’n Dag vör Heiligabend | about an incident with a cake on the day before Christmas Eve

 Am Tag vor Heiligabend oder: Zwischenfall mit Butterkuchen 🙂

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01 Cover_rot&txtBodderkauken
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The poem’s writer I don’t know – it is written in an idiom from the north of Germany, I just did the „translation“ to usual German to tell my visitors and friends with this:

Have a wonderful Christmas time and a Happy New Year!

Sorry for I didn’t translate it to english yet: the poem is about an incident with a typical north-german flat cake (Bodderkauken / Butterkuchen), which was prepared for Christmas; father (Vader Ostermann) sneaked into the darkened room, where the decorated christmas-tree was waiting for the handing out of presents on Christmas Eve, and the presents were already laid on the floor … he didn’t see where he stepped upon: he thought, on a fine warm and soft carpet – a present, maybe? … – mother (Moder Elisabeth) had left the baking sheets there to cool down, because there was no other place to find …

This special cake accompanies all celebration days in the north of Germany, made with a yeast dough, covered with sugar and butter, prepared on baking sheets.
Rezept für Butterkuchen > hier

8 Gedanken zu “’n Dag vör Heiligabend | about an incident with a cake on the day before Christmas Eve

  1. Vielleicht ist der plattdeutsche Dialekt mit dem der Waliser zu vergleichen? Ich war mal dort und habe kein Wort verstanden^^…


  2. Hat dies auf puzzleblume rebloggt und kommentierte:

    Von „damals“ aber lustig und immer wieder passend für diesen Tag vor Heilig Abend! Ich wünsche allen einen schönen Tag voller Vorfreude und gutem Gelingen 😉


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